How To Bring Reading to the Outdoors


Sometimes your kids would rather be outside, right? And, sometimes, so would you! There are lots of fun ways to bring reading to the outdoors.

One easy way is to create a reading space outside. Maybe it’s just a quilt and a couple pillows, or a lawn chair where you can kick back and relax. What about just laying out a beach towel, throwing up a tent or even finding a good tree to read in its shade? Any of these ideas would entice a child to bring a good book outdoors and enhance reading enjoyment.

You could also devise a scavenger hunt. Hide some things around your yard or around your neighborhood and write clues or riddles. Not only will your child have fun being a detective, but he or she will also be practicing some reading while reading the clues. Solving the clues really gets and keeps their mind working. You could even extend this activity and have your older child make clues for the next scavenger hunt.

Ahhh…there’s always a tried and true favorite - sidewalk chalk! Have your child write sight words, draw a picture to match a story you’re telling or even take a spelling test outside. 

What ideas do you have that bring reading to the outside? Post a comment below and share your creativity! We LOVE it when you share!