The Gift of Reading

A favorite Christmas song of mine, I’ll Be Home for Christmas, always provides a deep feeling of love. The lyrics tell us that the feelings of Christmas are always with us, even if we are not present with loved ones. This word present is used in a different context in the lyrics of the song:

“I'll be home for Christmas. You can count on me. Please have snow and mistletoe and presents under the tree.”

The Oxford Dictionary

Let’s look at the word present as defined in the Oxford Dictionary. The English language can be quite complex. This word can be pronounced two different ways and has three different meanings. No wonder children can have a difficulty becoming proficient readers.

We will look at each definition with a “Gift of Reading” perspective. It is so much more than solely buying a book for a child!

Fully focused on or involved in what one is doing or experiencing.

Certainly all of us have been hearing about the value of “being in the moment” or “being in the now”. It brings us an inward sense of calmness, peacefulness and joyfulness…all being really sweet “nesses”.

Reading a good book can bring us into this state of being fully present. We’ve all been there – so engaged –time passing quickly - leaving our stressors behind. Ahhhh…simply blissful! Teaching children to read where they get so “wrapped” up in a book is truly the definition of a great present!

Give or award formally or ceremonially.

Being present with someone when they are presented with a special accomplishment, always brings forth a deep sense of joyfulness.

You participate in this celebratory activity when reading with a child. Sharing the experience with a child that is learning to read, celebrating with them as they successfully sound out new words, rewarding their “small” reading victories with hugs; nothing is better than this!

A thing given to someone as a gift.

No doubt, ‘tis the season for gift giving. I can imagine no better present this holiday season for a child than the gift of reading. This is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

  1. You can wrap a book up as the lyrics suggest as a “present under the tree”.

  2. You can savor the time spent together being present enjoying the love of reading and loving one another.

  3. You can enrich a child’s life by presenting ways to improve their reading skills; thus, helping them to develop into passionate readers.

Happy Holidays & Happy Reading from our Voweletics family to yours!