How To Use a Little Free Library

Have you seen the cute “Little Free Library Neighborhoods”? They are so great! Here is their motto on why they exist:

“To promote literacy and the love of reading by building a free book exchange worldwide and to build a sense of community as we share skills, creativity, and wisdom across generations. There are nearly 40,000 Little Free Library book exchanges around the world, bringing curbside literacy home and sharing millions of book annually.”

Don’t you wish you had thought of this idea? I sure do! But even though I didn’t think of it, I am sure glad my family and I can enjoy its ramifications.

Well, if you haven’t heard of them, seen them or used these pretty little things, I want to tell you about them. They look like a little house for books. They are a bit bigger than a birdhouse and have a window that is a door that you can open to take and return books. They can be placed almost anywhere as long as you have the okay. Once you find the location, you must have a steward or caretaker- someone who makes sure it is always in working condition.

You can build one yourself, have someone else build it or buy one online from Little Free Library, Ltd. Just be sure if you don’t buy it online, that you make sure you register it. Then let others know about it and add your Library to the world map.

If you are not interested in making your own but would like to see what the hoopla is all about, you can search for one near you online at

Now, how do they work exactly? Well, if you see a Little Free Library you can add books or pick a few to read. Books also do not have to be returned to the exact same library. The idea is you keep the libraries full and in use to keep reading alive!!!