Transforming The Heart Through Reading

Reading Can Encourage Kindness

  1. First, click HERE for a link to some great books for kids about kindness.

  2. After you read a book from this list, ask your child what the author’s lesson he or she was trying to send to the reader.

  3. Then, see how you can implement this way of thinking or framework into your lives.

Maybe it’s something simple like doing a random act of kindness for someone. Maybe it’s helping out at a community organization such as a Boys & Girls Club. Maybe it’s looking through your things to donate to a family or someone who is less fortunate. Maybe it’s writing a kind note to a family member or a neighbor. Maybe it’s starting dinner with a compliment to someone in your family. Any small act of kindness has a ripple effect, and it’s amazing and heart-warming to watch the ripple expand.

For Example:

If you read: Have You Filled A Bucket Today? A Guide To Daily Happiness For Kids by Carol McCloud, then you have lots of possibilities! You can grab a bucket or sand pail and some pom-poms. Anytime someone is kind to others in your family with their words or actions, a pom-pom is added to the bucket. If someone is unkind, a pom-pom is taken out and discussed why. If the bucket gets filled…CELEBRATE! Spread kindness!