learning to read

Preventing the "Summer Slide"

Preventing the "Summer Slide"

“If you don’t use it… you lose it” is a phrase we’ve all heard before. If you're a baseball player perfecting your swing and you take the summer off without practicing, your batting average is bound to be affected. It’s the same with school. If you take the summer off, your academics will surely take a hit. As educators we refer to this as the “summer slide”.

Vocabulary is the Bridge Between Emergent Readers and Fluent Readers

Vocabulary is the Bridge Between Emergent Readers and Fluent Readers

Vocabulary is such an important component in becoming a successful reader. It expands our minds in more ways than one. It can help us visualize a scene in a story, feel an emotion from a main character, express our own self in our writing, and gives new meaning to many unknown words. It is the bridge between emergent readers and fluent readers. It is how we communicate.

The Importance of Phonics Instruction

The Importance of Phonics Instruction

After introducing and explicitly teaching young students phonemic awareness, phonics instruction follows naturally as the second step necessary to produce good readers. In this blog, we will continue digging deeper into our “The Big Five” blog post, focusing on the second skill - Phonics.