Understanding the Value of Rereading

Why do teachers encourage rereading? Well, simply put, because it is advantageous to the reader. There are numerous benefits to rereading. Below we will highlight a few.

First of all, learning to read is hard. Early readers are busy expending a lot of energy simply to sound out letters and blend them together to make words. This act requires a lot of work, especially for brains that are unfamiliar with this process or for those who find this process difficult in itself. Rereading a text allows the reader to better comprehend the story, pay attention to more details, and further analyze the text.

Rereading tells us more about us as the reader. When we read a story, we feel a certain way; there is a specific emotional response. Rereading a text can confirm that response, heighten it or change it, causing us to reflect upon on why the story made us feel a different way this time versus the last time we read it.

Most importantly, in my opinion, rereading for younger readers gives them stability and comfort.  When we constantly give new material to young readers it can be difficult for them to feel in control of their reading. As parents and educators, we ask a lot of young readers. Rereading a familiar text gives them confidence - and trust me when I say, young readers will grow leaps and bounds when they feel confident with their ability and skills.

So, when your child asks if you can read that same bedtime story - put a smile on your face and say, “Sure we can, honey!”