How To Help Your Child Develop A Love For Reading


All around the nation, children and their families are either making plans or on spring break. Spring break signals the approaching end of the academic school year.  Doesn’t it seem like you just purchased school supplies and new school shoes?

Have you started planning summertime activities? What day trips would be fun? Which family trips will you take? What will the daily routine look like? Is it your goal for your children to enjoy summer reading? Do they need to improve their reading skills in order for them to enjoy it more?

Then, how do you help your children improve their reading skills and develop a love for reading? Basically, you need to be certain they know how to sound out words with confidence. Early reading improves so quickly for children once they have this confidence. They will then become eager readers and find joy using their reading skills. Teaching a child how to successfully sound out words will lead them to be successful readers.  Voweletics The New Phonetics can provide you with a summer plan to use with your children that will provide them with these skills.  

Voweletics would provide this summer structure AND be fun for your children.  I hope you will consider sharing Voweletics The New Phonetics with your children this summer.  Click HERE to learn more about how the easy-to-follow lessons work. Your children will be singing, dancing AND improving their reading skills. Let us know if we can answer any questions for you. Please share if you like what you see on our website. We are all about putting the joy into learning to read for many children.  Enjoy your spring break and happy summer planning!