How To Motivate Reading With Mini Goal Setting

Let’s make reading fun and rewarding by setting mini goals to keep your child motivated. Below are some quick and easy goals and possible rewards for staying on track.

First Goal: Read More and Get More

Choose a number of pages or books that are appropriate for your child based on a time limit. Once the goal is complete, reward your child with a new book or bookmark, a trip to the library or even a reading lamp for their bed.

Second Goal:  Increase Your Stamina

When your child completes the first goal a few times, soon enough he or she will be able to add more minutes or books to the next mini goal. Once complete, possible rewards might be a fun trip to the park, ice cream shop or destination your child might choose.

Third Goal: Do Something New

Read from a new genre, new author or in a new space. Recite a poem to the family in a funny voice. Change it up. Whatever it is, try something new. If your child tries something new, make his or her favorite meal later in the week. Or better yet, let your child help you make dinner. You might pack them a fun snack for school or make a fun desert to enjoy on the weekend!

Fourth Goal: Add Some Writing

Ask your child to write about their reading. Whether it is a picture with a few labels, a summary of their story or their own story; get them writing. When they reach this goal, get them a fun notebook or new crayons or even some fun stickers.

These mini goals will help your child see the value in goal setting and understand its rewards.  Goal setting is a great life skill and applying it to improving your child’s reading just couldn’t be more beneficial!  Happy Reading!